Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Vet vol. 2

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Kutty didn't get her 3rd vaccinations shot the last time we were at the vet cos the vet wanted to be sure that she was not ill(she vomited a few days earlier) before getting her shots. She was pretty co-operative until the time came for her temperature to be taken...

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Vet vol. 1

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Kutty puked last night so I took her to the vet. She does not like cab rides. The vet didn't want to give her her vaccination jab just in case she might still be sick.

Kitty toy vol. 2

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I am not sure who left the plastic container out in the balcony floor but i think its become her new toy. She looks a bit like Bucky from the comic strip Get Fuzzy in this pic.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


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Darn cat is taking over my life.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Getting comfy

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I left my bedroom door open and Kutty immediately made herself comfortable on my bed. What a princess.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


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Whilst playing this evening, Kutty stumbled upon her reflection and immediately arched her back and hissed at it. I didn't want to stress her out so I drew the curtains over the sliding doors

Kitty toy vol. 1

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This is probably the cheapest(or free) toy that I can get her. She just loves the crinkling sound made from stepping around the bag.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The new arrival!

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Today I brought Kutty home. Kutty is a chocolate tortie Birman that I got from a local Birman breeder. Before I get dissed for being an impulse pet owner, I did give a lot of thought and consideration before getting a her (been looking for more than 6 months}. I also have to clarify my reasons for getting a pedigree from a breeder(instead of getting one from a pet shop or the SPCA)...I just am not prepared to adopt a cat of with a temperament could not handle.

On the day i picked kutty up, I had to be at the breeders house at 6.30am before she left for work. We went through Kutty's papers, vaccinations, feeding pattern and general care for her. I could have taken her back on Saturday afternoon but Mum insisted that I bring kutty home on Friday as it is considered auspicious to bring in a female(human or animal) on a Friday.

Bringing her into the house, the first place I had to take her to was the litter box so that from wherever in the house she went to, she could still find her way back to the litter box. She spent the day exploring the house and slept a lot. And slept some more.
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